Friday, September 2, 2011

I believe this is my first official or it might be a rant

When I stop and think about the sheer number of people around the world who believe whole-heartedly that vaccines are safe, it astounds me. The majority of these people are parents who have done absolutely no research into vaccine safety. They believe vaccines are safe simply because someone told them they are...not because they've done their own research. Some have heard the recent headlines regardingThe Lancet retracting Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study from 1998 as proof that vaccines don't cause autism. Others just do what their doctor tells them to do without having an original thought in their head to start with.

Vaccine inserts plainly state that vaccines can cause brain damage. It is also stated on the release forms parents are required to sign before vaccines are administered to their children. What do the characteristics of brain damage look like? Do you know? Quite often, they look like autism. However, as long as the word "autism" is part of the argument, we will never get anywhere. Vaccine dangers need to be addressed for what they are...brain damage. It's easy for the industry to state that vaccines do not cause"autism", but if they start saying vaccines don't cause brain damage, it sounds a little different. The reason it sounds different is because vaccines can cause brain damage.

It's All in the Presentation

Imagine if a doctor came to you with a syringe and said "Okay, Mrs. Smith, today we're going to inject your little two-month old, twelve pound baby with formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, aluminum hydroxide, ammonium sulfate and aluminum phosphate, along with several diseases. There also may be some remnants of calf liver or beef heart included...we're not sure at this point. But we hope that by injecting this in to your child, he will not get sick, umm...but he still might. Oh, and one more thing Mrs. Smith, we need you to sign this paper releasing us of responsibility if your baby swells up, turns blue, has a seizure, stops breathing, becomes brain damaged or dies within the next few days. In addition, if any of these things do occur, not only will we not be responsible, but we will also deny that the vaccine had anything to do with the adverse occurrence(s)."

Wow. That sure would be a different presentation of vaccines.

But instead, here's how it goes..."Hi Mrs. Smith! How's little junior today? Great! We're just gonna check him out and then give him his shots so that he doesn't get sick! You don't want junior to get sick do you? We're only going to stick him four times in his thighs with the needle, and it will only hurt for a minute. He's going to we're gonna need you to hold junior down while we stick him. But guess what? We'll give little two-month-old junior a sticker when he's all done so he can put it in his sticker collection! Oh yeah, and we need you to sign this paper before we can give the shots. There are some risks associated with the vaccines, but they're not nearly as bad as the risks of not getting the shots! Okay now, are you ready?"

This is the extent of the information that new parents are given when they take their new baby in for his two month checkup. NO information is given on vaccine safety what-so-ever. Huh?? Then, if the parent does decide to ask questions, they are either demonized or treated in a condescending manner, as if they are a three year old who wants to know why he has to eat the broccoli on his dinner plate. Serious questions regarding vaccines deserve serious answers.

Feeling warm and fuzzy yet?

That warm and fuzzy feeling you get from blindly trusting your doctor is a lot easier to handle than actually taking the time, and sometimes lots of it, to sit down and do the research regarding vaccine safety. And it's a whole lot easier than trying to debate a doctor while you're sitting in their little five by seven foot exam room.

Questioning vaccine program safety and it's necessity definitely puts you in the minority. But in my opinion, it puts you in the educated minority, which would be a good thing. There are real, credible doctors, some who have held high positions within the health and pharmaceutical industries, who legitimately question the safety of the vaccine program as it exists today. Soon, on this site, there will be a list of these individuals complete with links to their resources.

Questioning vaccine safety doesn't make you a bad parent, but being ignorant of the facts and blindly following the majority certainly might. It is your responsibility to get educated on vaccines. No one is going to volunteer all of the information to you. You have to search for it on your own. It is out there, you just have to look for it. It is your duty as a parent to know what is in that vial that the needle draws from, before it sticks your child. Simply trusting your doctor when they say it's okay isn't enough.

  • Find out what the vaccines are for, and what's in them.
  • Find out what the adverse reactions can be to the vaccine and to the separate ingredients contained in it.
  • Does any ingredient in the vaccine have an MSDS (material safety data sheet)? If so, then why is it being injected into anyone, let alone a child?
  • Is there animal DNA in the vaccine? What are the consequences to a young child's neurological development if it's injected into them?
  • What disease is the vaccine for, and what is the vaccine's efficacy?
  • What year was the vaccine invented, and was the disease already on the decline beforehand?
  • What role has having access to clean water and good personal hygiene played in the decline of the disease?
  • Is the risk of the illness REALLY worse than the risks associated with the vaccine?
  • Why are all vaccines on the program mandatory. Not even the varicella (chicken pox) vaccine is voluntary anymore, but it used to be. Why did this change?
  • The window for reporting an adverse event after receiving a vaccine is a matter of a few days. If some vaccines interfere in neurological development, or cause brain damage, who says that a few days is enough time to notice in an infant or a young child? Maybe the damage isn't immediately recognizable in someone so young...until later...when they're not hitting their milestones or their language development is failing.

I wish you and your families all the best. There is no excuse for ignorance. Get educated. Ask questions. Be part of the minority for now...if you don't, the minority will never become the majority and the status quo will always be the status quo.

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