Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HPV Vaccine Damage Is the New Autism

Here's an interesting article from Dr. David Clark, a functional neurologist, regarding the Gardasil HPV vaccine. I'm not too sure about the link between the MMR vaccine and autism, specifically, but it's entirely logical that mercury could cause neurological damage when included in any vaccine. Watch the video. Read the article. Do your own research.

Dr. David Clark, August 7, 2010

"There are literally thousands of young girls and women in this country right now that have been damaged by the Gardasil vaccine.  You probably haven’t heard of any of these women but I’ve posted on this issue before. The scientific literature is now starting to fill up with case reports and studies and articles that irrefutably show that there is a connection between this vaccine (and it’s an ugly vaccine) and neurological damage.

Now what kind of damage are we talking about?  Well if you simply Google HPV vaccine side effects or vaccine damage, you’re going to find the walking dead.  You'll see girls that went from smiling and happy one day to being in a wheelchair...from happy to looking like they’ve had a stroke.

It’s like the HPV Vaccine was nuclear bomb that exploded inside their body. 
This vaccine is a really nasty vaccine and the reason HPV vaccine damage is the new autism is because what’s happening to this generation of girls is what happened (and it’s still happening) to a whole generation of children that got dosed with mercury in the MMR vaccine. 
SIDE NOTE: mercury is not the only thing that causes autism.  Believe me, I’ve spent 10 years working with these kids and mercury's not the only factor. Many times it’s the damage from the vaccine, the immunological assault from this vaccine that is catastrophic. 
What usually happens to these women and young girls is they now have autoimmune diseases. What that means is that their immune system has been tricked.  It’s been pushed into a state where it’s now attacking their own tissue. These autoimmune conditions won't necessarily have a name like Multiple Sclerosis or Lupus...but these women and young girls STILL have an autoimmune condition.

What tissues can be attacked and destroyed--causing a tidal wave of problems?  The GI system...the brain...their heart...their muscles.  The immune system can attack anything it wants because remember...

Normally your immune system is kind of naïve when it comes to your own tissue.  It’s never really seen that before and it knows if you will, that it’s not supposed to mobilize and try to kill your own tissues.

With the vaccine damage, especially this vaccine, the immune system gets tricked into thinking that the covering around the nerves in the brain (myelin) needs to be killed.  And so what happens you get a child or young woman who looks like they’re having some sort of acute stroke or maybe even an MS, a Multiple Sclerosis type symptom, and really what they have is they have post vaccine damage.

If you’re thinking at all about giving your child an HPV vaccine, I tell you from the bottom of my heart, after seeing some of these women and young girls...don’t do it. 

The AAP, the American Academy of Pediatrics lists the HPV vaccine on their standard vaccine schedule. I wouldn’t do it.

I understand that HPV, Human Papillomavirus, is associated with some types of cervical cancer.  I understand why women would want this vaccine to be okay but listen to me... it’s no okay. 

I’m not sure if we’re going to be able to return some of these women and young girls back to a 100% pre-HPV vaccine status.  The good news is that there are things that we can do to repair the damage. There are things that we can do to analyze and dissect their immune system and try to bring it back into some balance, back into some sort of regularity, but it’s going take time.  

Not only do these women and young girls have stroke-like damage, MS-like damage... they have now a brain that is weak, a brain that is not working correctly.

So some of these vaccine damage girls have attention deficit problems, verbal communication problems, crushing fatigue and weakness.  These women and girls need two kinds of help:
  1. Metabolic, biochemical rescue and rehabilitation
  2. Neurological re-training, brain-based rehab
...and we’re gonna be able to do both.  
Here's the takeaway:  
This vaccine is doing to these women what the combo MMR vaccine did to hundreds of thousands of children in the last 10 to 15 years.  It’s causing catastrophic neurological metabolic, and endocrinel damage. I implore you don’t give this vaccine to your child. 
if you’ve got a child with HPV Vaccine damage, there is help."

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