Are you expecting a child soon? Below is a video from Dr. Mercola's website. It tells a real story, about real people. Please watch the video. Please read the artilce here. If you're expecting, the parent in this video could soon be you.
Red Alert: The Vaccine Responsible for Half the Awards for Injury and Death
Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 02 2011
Story at-a-glance
- In the United States, over half of the 2,480 compensation awards made made under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which total more than $2 billion dollars, have involved brain inflammation and encephalopathy resulting in permanent brain damage associated with whole cell and acelullar pertussis vaccine in DPT and DtaP shots.
- Previous research from Guinnea-Bissau demonstrated that a single dose of pertussis vaccine in DTP shots doubled the mortality rate in infants and more than quadrupled the mortality rate after the second and third DTP doses.
- A recent Danish study suggests many infant girls in Africa die after vaccination with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine and that aluminum-derived adjuvants in the vaccine may play an important role. (Past studies have shown that pertussis toxin and endotoxin in whole cell pertussis vaccine are involved in the development of brain inflammation, shock and encephalopathy but the role of the aluminum adjuvant has been less clear).
- Mercury (thimerosal) preservatives and aluminum adjuvants are two additives commonly used in inactivated vaccines, including DPT vaccine. Although U.S. pertussis containing shots (DtaP/Tdap) no longer include mercury, they still contain aluminum. Mercury is used as a preservative and aluminum advjuvants are used to boost immune responses in an attempt to reduce the need for booster shots. However, both mercury and aluminum are known neurotoxins and can cause serious side effects when injected into the body.